West Gate School

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Modern British Values


Our pupil parliament is elected by pupils from each class on the preparations pathway. Pupils on the council vote to make decisions that affect the pupils at school i.e. Changes to the school uniform.   

Our pupils communicate choice and decisions through their preferred communication system/s.

Annual EHCP review meetings are person centred and put the voice and opinions of the young person at the heart of the process.   

The West Gate radio show gives a forum each week to represent pupil voice and allows our young people’s opinions about school life and their personal ambitions to be heard.

Voting is encouraged to make decisions in the classroom in a fair way i.e. we vote for what we do with enterprise profits. We vote for our choice of Friday afternoon Clubs.

School rules and expectations are consistently shared with all pupils. Positive behaviour reward systems are used across the school to reinforce these and praise pupils for following school rules.

Pupils take part in community outings on a regular basis, where the social rules and expectations of the wider community are adhered to.

The school has formed a link with our local PCSO’s who have visited the school and met with pupils to discuss rules and laws. The PCSO’s organised for a police car to visit school during British Values week, acting as a stimulus for further discussions and learning about the rule of law. 

Pupil’s freedom of choice is an embedded part of our practice at West Gate. We recognise that due to sensory processing difficulties or a reliance on routine for example, pupils may struggle to access areas of the school or take part in activities for a range of different reasons relating to their SEND. Because of this we do not force our pupils to take part in any aspect of school life which they choose not to for valid reasons. This includes the use of the school blue safe spaces. If a pupil is in crisis they may be directed towards a blue space, which they choose to access in order to deescalate and calm.                                                                                          

At West Gate we use positive behaviour management strategies, which offer incentives and rewards for pupils who manage their behaviour in a positive way. We do not use sanctions apart from clearly natural consequences. We recognise that our pupils’ challenging behaviour is a form of communication and should be addressed as such, with empathy and curiosity to explore what the root of behaviour is. Our pupils are not simply naughty. 


West Gate is a multi-cultural school in a community of cultural diversity. Not only do we ensure that our school community shows mutual respect but we celebrate the different religious beliefs, heritage and cultural differences within our community. This is primarily addressed through our weekly assemblies, where we have the opportunity to think about different religious festivals and cultural events. RE and SMSC are a core subject within our curriculum and assessment at West Gate. As part of this pupils are given the opportunity to visit local places of worship and meet religious leaders from Leicester’s faith communities.                                                                                            Incidents of bullying or intolerance of those of a different culture or religion is not accepted at West Gate. Through the use of Behaviour Watch we record, monitor and report on any incidents and our pastoral team uses this to inform the best course of action, involving pupils, teaching staff and where appropriate parental meetings.