Admissions Information
West Gate School currently admits students aged 4 -19.
All pupils who are admitted to West Gate School have an EHCP or Education and Health Care Plan. The local authority responsible for issuing the plan will decide whether a special school placement is appropriate.
Once the decision to seek a placement in a special school has been finalised by the local authority, then schools will be consulted to determine whether or not they can meet the needs of the pupil as set out in the EHCP. Parents are entitled to give an opinion about their preferred school.
West Gate School admits pupils with a wide range of needs, but most of our pupils have severe learning difficulties and autism spectrum conditions, as well as other associated needs such as speech and language, communication and interaction difficulties. A small number of pupils have social, emotional and mental health needs.
When West Gate School receives information from the local authority about a child or young person, we endeavour to meet that pupil in their current setting. We also encourage parents to visit the school and talk to staff. Once the school has determined that it is able to meet needs of the pupil a date will be set for admission.
To find further information about admissions from Leicester City Council, see Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) ( or contact SES on 0116 2454 2050