West Gate School

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Mental Health Support

Here at West Gate school we understand how complex the issue of mental health can be. Many of our young people have mental health support needs associated with their neurological conditions for example Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and its associated anxiety needs. As such we have a wide range of diverse support available as we know no one strategy will suit all of our different and unique pupil's needs.
We recognise that as our scientific understanding of the brain and the way it functions increases so does our understanding of neurodiversity within our setting and as such our senior mental health leader Kat Purves is well qualified in supporting pupils with mental health needs and is an integrative child therapist registered with the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP). She undertakes yearly CPD directly related to mental health and ensures that the pupils have a robust support package of evidence lead strategies to as laid out below.
 Our Mental Health offer is called HEAL - Holistic Education and Learning.

heal offer.pdf


We are open to new support and training and constantly update our package of support for pupil's needs. We work with Universities to place students undertaking degree level therapy courses and are part of a study with University of Cambridge on the effect of Music therapy on children with ASD.
We also signpost parents and carers on to get their own support as we understand that if you are not resourced to support yourself and your child this can be a very difficult and lonely place for you. As such as well as team in place to support our children with their mental health we have trained our Welfare team who work with parents as mental health first aiders for adults so they can also assist any parents who are struggling. We operate a no judgement approach to mental health, understanding that it is a spectrum and that all of us some point are likely to need some support.
If you would like more information on support for you child, please contact the class teacher. If you would like support for yourself, please contact our parent link worker Sonia Green who can sign post you to the right support.
We know its ok to not be ok, so please reach out if you or your child need help.
Warm Regards,
Kat Purves