West Gate School

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Person Centred Review - A guide for parents

What happens at my child's annual review?

Why is my child having a review?

Your child has an Education Health and Care plan that is reviewed annually. A person-centred way of working puts children, young people and families at the centre and advocates that everyone has the right to exercise choice and control in directing their lives and support. West Gate School is responsible for arranging and facilitating the Person Centred Review for your child.

What is a person-centred review?

A person-centred review represents a significant cultural shift for many of us. We often focus on the process and the service rather than the child and what matters to them and their family. A person-centred review involves the child or young person but is facilitated by an adult within the school setting rather than service led. Participants will be encouraged to give their views in a less formal way. The person-centred way of working gives everyone the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate what is working well and what their role and contribution to this is, as well as looking at what is difficult and not going well. This can then be addressed and results in jointly agreed actions.

What do I need to do to prepare for the Person Centred Review?

•Let the school know who you would like to invite to the review. •Read your child’s current EHCP and come prepared with any changes to wish to have made to it. •Complete the parent feedback sheet with what you would like to share as your view as a parent. These may focus on your experiences from home and school.

Who is invited to the meeting?

•Your child (if this is not possible their views will be gathered prior to the review.) •Parents or carers and family. •Current school staff such as the class teacher or support staff. •Relevant professionals who are actively involved with your child. •A facilitator who will lead the meeting in sharing of the information and developing an action plan detailing next steps.

What will happen at the meeting?

The facilitator will explain what will happen at the meeting and what the headings on the agenda mean. There will be large sheets around the room with the headings. Please refer to the Person Centred Review Agenda on the next page to see what will be covered in the review.

What happens after the review?

The school will submit a review report to the Local Authority within 2 weeks of the review. The Local Authority will write a draft of the Education, Health and Care Plan and send you a copy by post. You have 15 days to comment on the plan. The Local Authority will consider your response and give you a final EHC plan within 20 weeks of receiving the request.

Working Together

Parents/carers and students are encouraged to attend. If you are not able to be there you are invited to send written comments and questions to the review meeting.

We encourage an active partnership through an ongoing dialogue with parents and carers. Parents and carers have much to contribute to our support for their child. The meeting will run in such a way to ensure that you are able to join in. You will be asked to contribute to the meeting discussing and agreeing an accurate description of your child’s needs and support, this information is pulled together to support the EHCP. 

In our school, we encourage children and young people to take responsibility and to make decisions. This is part of the culture of our school and relates to children of all ages and abilities. Children are involved in an appropriate way in agreeing outcomes in their thorough review meetings. Children and young people are encouraged to review their own progress against their outcome and contribute towards decisions about support for their learning. We seek to celebrate their successes with them as well as planning and discussing their next steps.

Further Information

You can find out more about the changes to the law regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities by following this link:

Website: www.gov.uk/goverment/publications/semd-guide-for-parents-and-carers

You can also find out more about Leicester’s plan for converting statements to plans and transfer reviews on our Local Offer website:

Website: www.localofferLeicester.org.uk

If you need further information or advice and support, you can also contact Leicester’s independent SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS):

Website: www.sendiassleicester.org.uk
Email: Info@sendiassleicester.org.uk
Tel: 0116 257 5027